Top 5 Reasons Why Strong Visual Branding Is More Significant :

Did you know that your customer will get your business impression way before stepping into your store?

The truth is, people can come up with an opinion about your company even before visiting you. The reason is your visual identity.

For the branding of your company, you require to have strong visual branding. For creating a visual identity hiring a professional branding agency in Kashmir is always a good idea.

Still unconvinced? Here are the five most important reasons why visual branding is crucial to business today more than ever:

1.  ‘Speak’ to your customers.

People think that investing in the appearance of their company is unnecessary. Others believe it’s not immediately important; they can invest into it later.

Say no to this big mistake; there’s no better time to establish your company’s visual identity than now.

With good branding strategy & clear impression of your services you can attract customers to a large extent.

 If you give your target audience the information they need upon first contact, you’ll have a better chance of converting them into customers.

You should look for the best branding agency in Kashmir to make sure your brand message isn’t misinterpreted.

Besides, you have to be sure that your visual identity fits diverse cultures with different standards as possible, especially if you’re aiming to establish an international company. While it may seem like a difficult task but professionals can help you.

2. It can attract attention.

We all know that people are visual creatures and they judge businesses through visuals. Your visual identity can easily make or break your business success.

Excellent and intelligent designs that combine business strategy and consumer insights can last for decades. However, one should not hesitate to rebrand if the aesthetic seems outdated or cannot keep up with the evolving business. Investing in design assures your customers of the quality of your product/services. Search “best advertising agency near me,” and reshape your brand today.

3. It ensures customer loyalty

Cohesive visual branding simplifies shopping experience for your costumers. It helps in product recognition.

Cohesive branding is about using consistent imagery, colors, or logos. It is about making sure that your website matches social media sites and blogs, along with matching business cards, employee uniforms, and marketing material. This uniformity helps to build brand credibility and integrity.

4.  It generates emotions

A vital element in visual branding is the prevailing pick of colors in the design. Colors intensely influence people’s minds and can induce diverse moods, which designs tend to trigger. Colors are also said to affect the way people see things emotionally.

Using the right color can influence judgment of buyer. Simple change of color in packaging can extremely boost sales and also increase brand recognition.

5. The aesthetics make your social media appearance remarkable

As mentioned above a good brand maintains a visual identity in all its communication channels, including social media. Communicating your offer on social media is necessary because it built customers’ trust and offers them to gain insight into your brand.

Designs showcasing your services and products must be high quality and with distinctive colors, typical of your brand. Be sure to set a visual tone and to generate balance and seamless flow on your profile. Also, consider using one or two filters and coordinate colors, and space the photos correctly.

Take your branding game to the next level with Associated Media, one of the best branding companies in Kashmir. Associated Media is a premier branding agency in Kashmir, to get in touch with us, visit

5 Tips to Launch a Successful Brand

Introducing a new brand is always an exciting journey for an entrepreneur. However, it is the only first step towards a great journey into marketing, branding and customer relationships – so being prepared is important.

The brand launch is key to every business because it helps you to make market space. As a successful businessman, you should know the essentials of branding because it will help you in saving a lot of money and time.

Branding in Kashmir can be a little tricky due to the business scenario of the place. But today we have come up with 5 tips to launch your brand in Kashmir. Scroll to read more:

1. Financial Planning 

For a successful business, you need to sit down and plan the financial aspects of the new product launch. With proper planning and strategy, your money is spent effectively. For example, you need to think about a tracking system that would monitor all costs associated when you launch a brand.

A financial planner or expert can help you with this stage. They can contribute through their marketing, planning, and organizing skills.

Before proceeding with the plan make sure to review it a couple of times this will help you in minimizing the error.

2. Highlight your goals

 Another important tip for brand launch is setting goals. It is an important task because the brand needs to hit its goals in specific development stages to be successful.

Your goal list should be specific, which would make the performance analysis a little bit easier when the month reaches its end.

3. Brand Anticipation

For brand anticipation, it is important to know the need of your audience first. Once you know what they could want from you, brand anticipation can be easy for you.

You can hire professionals for branding services in Kashmir or can get some hints from social media.

Brand anticipation gets people to talk about your brand before the new product launch.

4. Branding:

For the introduction of your brand, you must design a logo that will define your product or services. So, have you created a logo design for your new brand? If not, then avail services from a professional branding agency in Kashmir.

It is an important requirement that needs to be done well before the launch. From your website to your business cards every step demands a well-designed logo.

5. Focus on the Customers

When you launch a brand, you need to show the customers why they should buy your products. A good way of product demonstration is focusing on the people instead of the product itself.

Launching a product isn’t easy. But scheduled properly, it should be thrilling, entertaining, and rewarding for both you and your clients.

If you are interested in discussing how you can advance your chances of a successful product launch, contact Associated Media. We’d be happy to answer any questions and talk through tips on how you can get started.

Top 10 Tips for Effective Project Management for SEO Agencies in Kashmir

 Are you wondering how project management and SEO are connected? Isn’t SEO just a technical process defined to get massive traffic on your website? Well, if this knocks your mind then here is a read for you. Scroll down and get your doubts cleared!

What is SEO project management?

For Digital marketing agencies, SEO project management is a very important and crucial term with the highest usability. It is a framework to tackle enterprise-level search visibility of your project with reliability and accuracy. It is all about supervising and guiding your team members, project goals, resources, workflow etc. SEO project management involves planning, executing, monitoring, and finalising the work of our SEO team to achieve a specific target project within a defined deadline.

How are project management and SEO linked?

Project management and SEO are strongly linked with each other when we talk about efficient goal results.

Without project management, a digital marketing agency can’t have a functional relationship with a client. Effective project management allows seamless communication and provides several benefits for your SEO team. It allows you to create a transparent aura for your client.

Effective Project management brings much-needed structure to SEO agencies so that there is more efficiency and reliability.

Benefits of Effective Project Management for SEO Agencies:

What should be your role as an SEO project manager?

If you hold the position of an SEO project manager then you hold a very important responsibility. As an SEO project manager, you hold a right to apply project management principles and best practices.

You will be responsible for setting project’s goals, strategizing project plans, distributing roles and responsibilities to your team, measuring progress and keeping things on track.

You have to ensure that there is proper and smooth logistics for your project. Just like other project managers, there are specific skills that you need to have as a successful SEO project manager. These are:

Tips for Effective Project Management for SEO Agencies

The SEO process may seem to be easy for you but it demands proper planning and management. To make it a little easy for you here we have compiled the best tips for you:

1. Have a well-defined plan

SEO strategy is most complicated and requires expertise. To achieve the desired results one needs to have a clear action plan.

Plan designing can normally be broken down into the following modules.

2. Project Inception

This is the first phase where interaction with the client begins. As a project manager, you should clear an exhaustive list of topics with the client. This communication will help you in understanding the client requirement in a better way. During this stage goals and expectations are discussed with the client.

Pro tip: It is advisable to use a collaborative document to keep a record of each communication. As per client requirements, decide your short term & long term goals.

Designing a detailed format SEO project can help you in streamlining the process. For that, you require Identifying Issues and accordingly you can prioritize your activities. Below are steps to organise the process:

 3. Communicate transparently and often

 Regular communication with your team and clients allows you to frame good project understanding. Depending on workflow Depending on workflow regular catch-ups can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

4. Create an appropriate timeline for progress & completion of all tasks

An appropriate timeline is the foundation of any project. It contains specific tasks assigned to a team member and a deadline when the task needs to be done. Organized timeline ensures fast delivery, reduced risk, improved productivity and progress tracking.

5. Identify the potential risks or roadblocks that may appear

For an SEO project management roadblocks can quite literally stop you in your tracks. Identifying these roadblocks and responding to challenges is a significant component of the project manager. Whatever the roadblock is, project managers are the closest to being able to identify them and it is their role to do something about it.

6. Bring all plans and data with the right project management tool

 Knowing the right tool can play wonders in SEO project management. Make sure the tools which you use are simple for your clients as well. The client’s comfort and satisfaction should always be your priority. It’s much easier to manage SEO projects when you leverage the right tools. Here are a few tools:

  1. Hive: This tool allows you to manage projects across multiple departments.
  2. This software keeps all of your tasks organized in one platform.
  3. Trello: This tool helps you to create boards for project monitoring.
  4. Slack: This software is used for external communication
  5. Google drive, dropbox: These are used for easy file transfer.

These were our few hands picked software that is a must for project organization.

7. Measure and report the progress of the project

Another important aspect of a project manager’s job is to measure progress on each assignment. Through measuring, employees stay focused and meet their goals. Tracking a project with an effective approach helps to create a sense of accountability among team members.

8. Add resources if they fall short

As an SEO project manager, you always need to see if resources are falling short. Your aim should be to make the most of the available resources at your disposal in a project. Remember If you can manage your project schedule, your team and your non-human resources are on the same cards.

9. Develop a better communication and collaboration strategy

Every good SEO project manager knows that effective and clear communication is a key to success. Without constant feedback and open communication channels, you won’t be able to achieve the final goal.

10. Give credit to your team

Always try to create a culture of feedback within your team. Team credit and appreciation is a sign of a good project manager. This helps you to create a peaceful and efficient work environment.


From the above-mentioned benefits, it is clear how much project management is important for the SEO process. Hopefully, our tips can help you in creating a smooth and seamless experience. If you know any other tips please mention those in the comment section below!

Things to consider while choosing your advertising agency in Kashmir

Things to consider while choosing your Advertising Agency in Kashmir

To sell your product or services hiring an advertising agency is a must. One of the most essential elements of advertising is Promotion. Product promotion in the right way can help you to make a perfect brand image. For this, it is important to choose an effective advertising agency which has both the expertise as well as experience.

If you are looking for the best Advertising agency in Kashmir then the following criterion should be taken into the consideration:

While selecting an advertising agency, you should know from how many years they are in Industry. Experience and client recognition is very important while choosing an advertising agency. From their experience, you can observe their advertising tactics.

If you are looking for the best advertising agency in Kashmir then prefer the local one. Distance gives room to hurdles and troubles effective communication.

To establish confidence at the first phase, it’s wise to inquire about the advertising agencies current and past clientele. You will also be able to find out the kind of services they offer by looking into their past performances.

Before saying yes to any random advertising agency try to measure their expertise and the services which they have rendered before. See how successfully they have delivered past assignments and are they able to do justice with their work. Try and find out the skills they have and their forte and see do they have a solution for your requirements.

 Having a budget-friendly cost is very important for any promotional activities. Make sure you take into consideration the total expenditure involved as well as arrangements for dispersal of expenses. Better is to discuss with an agency you are planning to hire and do it as per your feasibility.

It is very essential to measure the attitude of an advertising agency. The initial stages of communication and inquiry will provide you with a rough idea about it. Since it’s a creative field, therefore the ad agency needs to have a positive attitude.

 These were some important points which you need to take into consideration before hiring an advertising agency. If this blog was informative for you don’t forget to share it on social accounts.

7 Benefits of Hiring an Advertising Agency In Kashmir

In today’s competitive world for a business to grow a perfect advertising strategy is very necessary.

The strategic advertisement gives your products or services the right visibility and best place in the market. It would be wise to hire an advertising agency to run your business effectively. You can find several advertising agencies in Kashmir but do proper market research before saying yes to any random one. 

Professionals are blessed with skills that have the experience to manage all your advertising and marketing needs. Branding in Kashmir can be risky but when planned with professionals one can enjoy privileges. 

Factors, such as your budget, business goals, target customers, etc. need to be considered

Now the question is why you should hire an advertising agency in Kashmir? To know the reason scroll down:

Get more value for the money spent: 

After hiring an advertising agency, you get additional benefits such as the services of their professional staff such as designers, content writers, and others. Hiring the right qualified in-house advertising specialist is not easy, more time and capital will be needed. 

Give a relaxing room to your employees:

Some firms try to cut costs and increase the workload of their present staff by giving them extra advertising responsibilities. Remember the extra workload adds to their stress and reduces their efficiency. So, hire an agency and let your staff focus on normal routine work. 

Have an objective view of things:

Advertising agencies can help you in finding the view of your company’s affairs objectively. They have a vision of how a customer thinks and looks at things from a different perspective.

Strategies your advertising ways:

In the future, if you feel the need to increase your advertising campaigns for your products, the agency you hire will do it smoothly as it has the required experience. But if you only have in-house advertising staff, you will have to hire more people to scale up your operations.

Explore the latest tools:

With the help of an advertising agency, you can make use of the latest tools software, detailed reports, without paying an extra cost. While as if to hire in-house advertising staff you require buying these tools and for the user training cost is extra.

Get your targets achieved:

Advertising agencies are well defined with targets. The strategies and pull all efforts to achieve the final goal. They will collect data for you, analyze them, make detailed reports, and provide you with reports that will help you to utilize your resources optimally and attain your target. If they feel certain strategies are not working for you, they will advise you on what changes you can make to get the best results.

Grow your business:

When you have an experienced advertising agency taking care of all your advertising and marketing needs, your business will reach new heights. You will also get the space & time to focus on other frames of your business. Qualified and experienced professionals are always there to guide you.

The above-mentioned points indicate that hiring an advertising agency in Kashmir will help you to enjoy many benefits and your business will grow smoothly and strategically.

5 reasons why professional branding is important for your small business

Think about the market the first thing which will strike your mind is branding. Besides a memorable logo, good branding increases the value of a company, provides employees with direction and motivation, and makes acquiring new customers easier.

The answer is everything.

Through branding, your potential clients get knowledge about your product or services. You can find many organizations which can provide branding services in Kashmir but without proper research and review don’t say yes to anyone.

It actually represents the sum of people’s perception of a company’s customer service, reputation, advertising and logo.

There are many reasons which you should consider while hiring professional branding services and in our blog, we have highlighted a few. To give new heights to your business invest your five minutes and scroll down to read more:

  1. Get synchronization: Professional branding links your name, logo, online presence, product/services and appeals to the masses. Through branding one can make marketing skills consistent and the content will be same across all channels. This will help your business to deliver a united and clear message to potential customers.

  2. Improve your Asset: Your brand is your asset. What you present to the public is a huge chunk of your business. This is as important as revenue and sales. A lot is at stake; finances, creativity and time are on the line. Branding will make the difference between revenue/sales and debt/liquidation. Search on google, compare the reviews and select the best branding services in Kashmir.

  3. Develop Trust: To resist market pressure goodwill and trust are very important. When a customer will get to know about your business trust will develop automatically. If you want to build trust you must give customers a reason to test you out. The branding must be spot-on as the first customers will determine how many more (or less) you will receive. Your satisfactory customer service, experience with the product/services and positive online communication on social networks will keep your customers linked with you.

  4. Reach to a wider audience: With the help of branding, you can reach so many people in so many outlets. Connect people via offline, online, mobile and niche marking. It reaches the many products and services you currently sell and plan to sell in the future.

  5. Know the perception: Professional branding will give you a chance to let customers see your business for who you are. This is the chance to be authentic and honest about what your organization represents. The look, feel and the message conveyed will set you apart from your competitors.

Your brand is the identity that customers will come to know. The importance of branding with your business cannot be overstated. Branding is how customers perceive you and the blueprint of the business. Give new professional colors to your business by consulting Associated Media for all your branding needs. This was all in today’s blog; stay updated and keep sharing your thoughts in a comment section.